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07 October 2008

Low Point

Today was the first day that I actually screamed at them.  I have to yell on a daily basis to be firm with them, but it's always controlled and concise.  Not this time.

Everyone was making noise, no one was sharing, everyone trying to get my attention at the same time, putting things in their mouths, eating 5 day old marshmallows that were glued to paper as part of a math lesson, breaking things..... and then, the New Girl stood straight up, on the rocking chair.

And I flipped out.  And right at that instant I wanted to scream and cry at the same time.  WHY CAN'T THEY JUST LISTEN TO ME??????

I never want to scream at them again... but it was the end of the day and I was sick of it and just like snapped.  Luckily no one else was in the room with me at the time to witness such an embarrassing loss of control on my part.

Thursday is Yom Kippur, Monday Columbus Day.... Thursday Yom Kippur, Monday Columbus Day.... it's my current mantra.  PLEASE BE GOOD TOMORROW CHILDREN.


Mom said...

I can't even count the multitude of times I, as a mom, reacted to a situation completely incorrectly (as I am sure you well know!) -

It happens - no, it is not the way you want to be reacting, but you are human. Don't beat yourself up - it's just another little life lesson.

Unknown said...

I've had some low points this week too - maybe it's just that time of the school year...

Adelaide said...

yeah my classes were really out of hand that day too. i think it was the culmination of getting two days off for rosh hashanah and knowing that they had 2 more days coming to them...

my week did end on a good note, and i hope you'll experience something different this coming week!

btw just came to your blog off of a google search; i'm a first year fellow myself:)